I want to create my own event - OnPositionChange. Event implementation of course is not a problem. The point is, how to trigger it when top or left style has changed? Should I overwrite prototype of $.css() function, or is there a better solution?
I'm not sure about an ideal method, but you could always set an interval that tracks whether those css values have changed, and then trigger the event:
//Usage same as bind
$.fn.PositionChange = function(data, fn) {
//Bind given function and args to event to trigger later
var self = $(this);
var top = self.offset().top;
var left = self.offset().left;
if(self.offset().top != top || self.offset().left != left){
top = self.offset().top;
left = self.offset().left;
//You might use a different interval than 1000 ms
2009-06-24 21:25:56
I was trying diffrent thing and found best solution like this:
$.prototype.css2=$.prototype.css; $.prototype.css=function( key, value ) { console.log(key); return this.css2(key,value); }
With large amount of objects to check setInterval would slow down my code too much.
2009-06-27 09:07:01