MyISAM or InnoDB,for safe of data, which should i choose?
InnoDB has better respect of constraints, data integrity and reliability. It supports foreign key constraints and transactions for instance... The documentation compares transaction and nontransation engines.
InnoDB is a safer ACID compliant engine with some integrity features that MyISAM lacks.
Clearly, if you are concerned with de safety of your data I would use InnoDB. Would you use an engine that does not support transactions?
MyISAM is used for performance reasons.
See developer and site lard are expecting only safty , but user are expecting fast retrival
only, In innodb , no fulltext support , So we manage in that situtaion ,
is there alternate constraints there, or is there any tips,
Example ,
i have postcode file in my Table,
i have around 100000 postcode,
i have autocomplete for postcode, in this situtaion if i use the myisam , i make the filed
as fulltext ,So my user will not find performance issue ,
So is there any idea for this creteria...
Basically am not DB engg, am developer...