




I'm using jQuery to try and bind some newly loaded <li> elements with .hover() and I'm kind of stuck. At the moment I'm reloading the content in a <ul> with ajax and there's a hover event with .hover(); on the <li>. The hover event works perfectly on the non-ajax-loaded content of course.

I know I can use mouseover/mouseout to bind the event with .live(); which is a good solution if it weren't for mouseover/mouseout bad habit to break the event if you hover a child element of the current element the mouseover is bound to. So the reason I'm using .hover(); is because I can freely hover the children of my hover-bound element without the event being cancelled.

bind(); doesn't seem to work at all either, so my question is.. Is there any use in trying to get ajax loaded <li> events bound and keep the hover effect as a hover();, or should I just roll over and use mouseover/mouseout with live(); and try and solve the hover children problem some other how?

Success Message:

success: function(data){ 
           $('ul#list').bind().append("<li>test test</li>");
+3  A: 

bind works like this. e.g

$('#list').bind('mouseover', function(){})

However I think what you need to do is just call the same function that you use to bind the event when the document first loads. If this is inside a document ready block then extract it into a function and just call the same function in doc ready and in the ajax success event.


$(document).ready( function(){

   bindHover( $('#list>li') )

   $.ajax({ success: function(data){
                         bindHover( data.find('li') );
            url: bla


function bindHover($liList){
  $liList.hover( fn, fn )
Ok, so what do I put in the function(){ });, I only want my newly ajax added elements to respond to the hover() event.
ok changed the above to show how you only pass the new li elements to the bindHover function therefore the existing li elements wont get duplicate event handlers

Thanks alot redsquare, that worked just fine!

tick my answer then :)

Hello, I have a similar problem and I believe that you can help me. I tried to do what you suggest in this post but I'm not doing it right obviously.

I am using this tutorial's script: http://yensdesign.com/2008/12/how-to-load-content-via-ajax-in-jquery/

I have a menu that loads content through ajax in a div. What I'm trying to achieve is to make some links, inside the loaded content, behave like the menu and load content. Actually I want to add a "back to Home" link in each section loaded via ajax and make this link load the home section.

I have tried to add an event about this link with no success.

var content = $("#content");        
var back1 = $("#back1");

     content.load("sections.html #section_home", hideLoading);

This code is inside document ready. How I am supposed to use the ajax success in this case? Can you help me a little please?