I have a dialog that I want to place within another dialog and position relative to one of the controls on the main dialog.
void CspAceDlg::DrawResultsArea()
CWnd* pTabCtl = GetDlgItem(IDC_BUILDTABS);
CRect rectTabCtl; // Allocate CRect for control's position.
int resX = rectTabCtl.right + 15;
int resY = rectTabCtl.top;
results.Create(IDD_RESULTSDIALOG, this);
results.SetWindowPos(this, resX, resY, /*608, 19, */175, 135, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
My problem is that my dialog resource (IDD_REULTSDIALOG) has properties called X Pos and Y Pos that seem to be overriding my SetWindowPos() (and the little property tab in the resource editor won't let me leave these blank). If I set these properties to 0, 0 my dialog appears in the top left corner of the main dialog. If I set them to a number I can guess-and-test place it roughly where I want, but then running the application on different resolutions causes the dialog to appear in different spots. What I really want to do anyway is place the dialog relative to another control on my main dialog (in this case my tab control). Why is my SetWindowPos() being ignored, and how do I fix this? Should I be using a different function?