



We have inherited a 2003 web project, it seems to reference another web site. I am not sure how this was done. I cannot delete the reference (there is no properties and will not respond to pressing the delete key). The reference looks like a folder with a pic of the world on it. Any ideas how to get rid of it?


+2  A: 

In this case I don't believe you're referencing another web site. Instead you're using a website which has a nested web site located under it. This is a representation of IIS's internal structure and I don't believe you can change it via visual studio. You'd have to delete the website in IIS.

I found are spot on getting it working, I have been cursing this thing all day.
+1  A: 

Is there a WebRefrences folder in SolutionExplorer (you may have to click Show All Files). If so - you can delete the refrence there but you should check the all the code in the project (global search) to see if the code refrences the WebRefrence first.

Jim Evans