Im writing a pruning script, to delete content from my site that was uploaded over a week ago, and been accessed 0 or 1 times, also in the last week.
there are 2 tables:
- daily_hits - which stores the item id, date, and number of hits that item got on that date.
- videos - stores actual content
I came up with this.
$last_week_date = date('Y-m-d',$now-(60*60*24*7));
$last_week_timestamp = $now-(60*60*24*7);
COALESCE(sum(hit_hits),0) as total_hits
FROM videos
LEFT JOIN daily_hits
ON vid_id = hit_itemid
WHERE (hit_date >= '$last_week_date') AND vid_posttime <= '$last_week_timestamp'
GROUP BY hit_itemid
HAVING total_hits < 2
This does output the items that were access once in the last week.... but not the ones that haven't been accessed at all. If an item wasn't accessed at all in that last week, there wont be any entries in the daily_hits table. I figured COALESE should take care of that, but that didnt work.
How can I fix this?