I compiled freeimageplus into dll. the dll is used in by my application. But I found memory leaking problem. boundary check say: Leaking existing program --> FreeImagePlus.dll!0x0005CD06。 I have pdb with the freeiamgeplus.dll. How can I locate the source code using the information "FreeImagePlus.dll!0x0005CD06"
Put the dll and the pdb in the same directory and do
ildasm /LINENUM /SOURCE FreeImagePlus.dll
This should show the line number and source (if available) for each IL block.
.line 12,12 : 13,37 ''
//000012: string s = "one string";
IL_0001: ldstr "one string"
IL_0006: stloc.0
This shows that IL offset 1 and 6 map to line 12 columns 13-37
2009-06-26 07:33:36
It is written in c++, will ildasm work?
2009-06-26 08:02:53
Uhm yes it should. Didn't you try it?
2009-06-27 10:09:41
so? did it work?
2009-06-30 21:57:10