There is a table [ReportServer].[dbo].[User]. But what is the relationship with other tables? And how can I generate the values inside?
The values in this table are based on the permissions that have been setup in the report hierarchy. The most common way to manage this is through Report Manager under the Properties -> Security.
dbo.Users can be joined to dbo.PolicyUserRole. The table dbo.PolicyUserRole can then be joined to dbo.Roles, dbo.Policies, and dbo.Catalog.
Here is a query that provides all of the reports/models/folders and all of their users and related permissions:
dbo.Catalog c
INNER JOIN dbo.PolicyUserRole pur ON c.PolicyID = pur.PolicyID
INNER JOIN dbo.Users u ON pur.UserID = u.UserID
INNER JOIN dbo.Roles r ON pur.RoleID = r.RoleID
2009-08-07 04:50:47