



I'm not very experienced with lower level things such as howmany bytes a character is. I tried finding out if one character equals one byte, but without success.

I need to set a delimiter used for socket connections between a server and clients. This delimiter has to be as small (in bytes) as possible, to minimize bandwidth.

The current delimiter is "#". Would getting an other delimiter decrease my bandwidth?


No, all characters are 1 byte, unless you're using Unicode or wide characters (for accents and other symbols for example).

A character is 1 byte, or 8 bits, long which gives 256 possible combination to form characters with. 1 byte characters are called ASCII characters. They only use 7 bits (even though 8 are available, but you can't use this 8th bit) to form the standard alphabet and various symbols used when teletypes and typewriters were still common.

You can find an ASCII chart and what numbers correspond to what characters here.

Almost everything in this response is wrong.
Michael Borgwardt
@Michael Such as what?
Such as the equation of characters and bytes, "1 byte characters are called ASCII characters", "you can't use this 8th bit". I suggest you read very carefully.
Michael Borgwardt
I just read the article you sent me and I still don't see how I'm glaringly wrong. He can still send ASCII characters (even if they are UTF-8) in 1 byte.And after thinking about it, the "can't use 8th bit" comment was wrong, it would just need some extra processing to strip out the 8th bit signal that he was sending.
The most important thing that's wrong is that characters aren't bytes, and it also makes no sense to say that characters "are UTF-8" or "are Unicode or wide". Nor do characters have a length. You need an ENCODING to translate characters to bytes, and only then can you talk about length and which characters the encoding supports. And there certainly are encodings in which the characters supported by ASCII take more than 1 byte.
Michael Borgwardt
I'm talking about when you type: char c, you get 1 byte allocated to you. The OP asked if he can use something smaller, to which the answer is no, because a byte is the smallest thing you can allocate. By character, I'm talking about the char type, not an actual letter. By larger characters, I'm talking about the wchar type.
The OP didn't say what language he uses; C-specific answers that aren't even recognizable as such are not what he needs. BTW, your answer is wrong for C as well; the C standard indeed mandates that 1 char == 1 byte (and oh how much suffering that idiocy has caused), but it does NOT mandate 8-bit bytes and there are in fact architectures where bytes have more or fewer bits.
Michael Borgwardt
+8  A: 

This could help:

Igor Drincic
+4  A: 

It depends on the encoding. In Single-byte character sets such as ANSI and the various ISO8859 character sets it is one byte per character. Some encodings such as UTF8 are variable width where the number of bytes to encode a character depends on the glyph being encoded.

+4  A: 

The answer of course is that it depends. If you are in a pure ASCII env, then yes, every char takes 1 byte, but if you are in a Unicode env (all of Windows for example), then chars can range from 1 to 4 bytes in size.

If you choose a char from the ASCII set, then yes your delimter is a small as possible.

Scott Weinstein
+7  A: 

It depends on what character encoding you use to translate between characters and bytes (which are not at all the same thing):

  • In ASCII or ISO 8859, each character is represented by one byte
  • In UTF-32, each character is represented by 4 bytes
  • In UTF-8, each character uses between 1 and 4 bytes
  • In ISO 2022, it's much more complicated

US-ASCII characters (of whcich # is one) will take only 1 byte in UTF-8, which is the most popular encoding that allows multibyte characters.

Michael Borgwardt
US-ASCII characters take 1 byte in pretty much *any* encoding except for UTF-16 and UTF-32.