



Is there a string format to represent a datetime that SQL will be able to parse and convert into another offset (EST -> UTC for example).

I have a string from the user such as:

declare @p1 varchar(50);
declare @utcDateTime datetime;

set @p1 = "2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z-4:00";   -- could be ISO8601

-- what do I do here to convert @p1?

set @utcDateTime = -- should be "2009-06-26 18:30:00.000"

I want to be able to convert the string to its UTC equivalent and store it in a datetime field. Such that:

select @ utcDateTime

should yield this:

"2009-06-26 18:30:00.000"

In other words, I want to store a datetime that has the value of '2009-06-26 18:30', given the first string.

Also, we must assume the server is not in the same timezone as the user (so we can't just detect the offset datediff(gettime(), getutctime()).

I have tried using convert(...) and cast(... as datetime) but with no luck.

Is there a way to do this in SQL Server 2005?

+1  A: 

one way if you are using datetimes run this in a window

declare @date varchar(100)
select @date = '2009-06-26 14:30:00.000'

select dateadd(hh,datediff(hh,getdate(),getutcdate()),@date)

output 2009-06-26 18:30:00.000

better to just use getutcdate() all the time and store the users offset in his profile

SQL Server 2008 has new datetimeoffset data type which makes this much easier

now here is an answer that will work with the data you have (I added the 1/2 hour code also)

How the code works is explained here: Adding time offsets passed in to a datetime to generate localized datetime

    declare @date varchar(100),@multiplier int

select @date = '2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z+4:30'
select @multiplier = case when @date like '%+%' then -1 else 1 end

select dateadd(mi, @multiplier *convert(int,right(@date,2)),dateadd(hh
    ,-1 * convert(int,replace(substring(@date,patindex('%z%',@date)+ 1,3),':',''))

--2009-06-26 10:00:00.000

declare @date varchar(100),@multiplier int

select @date = '2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z-4:30'
select @multiplier = case when @date like '%+%' then -1 else 1 end

select dateadd(mi, @multiplier *convert(int,right(@date,2)),dateadd(hh
    ,-1 * convert(int,replace(substring(@date,patindex('%z%',@date)+ 1,3),':',''))

--2009-06-26 19:00:00.000

declare @date varchar(100),@multiplier int

select @date = '2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z+14:30'
select @multiplier = case when @date like '%+%' then -1 else 1 end

select dateadd(mi, @multiplier *convert(int,right(@date,2)),dateadd(hh
    ,-1 * convert(int,replace(substring(@date,patindex('%z%',@date)+ 1,3),':',''))

--2009-06-26 01:00:00.000

declare @date varchar(100),@multiplier int
select @date = '2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z-14:30'
select @multiplier = case when @date like '%+%' then -1 else 1 end

select dateadd(mi, @multiplier *convert(int,right(@date,2)),dateadd(hh
    ,-1 * convert(int,replace(substring(@date,patindex('%z%',@date)+ 1,3),':',''))

--2009-06-27 05:00:00.000
But I have a string passed in from the user - and the timezone offset for the user will be different than for the server. (i.e. the server is GMT-4:00, and the user can be passing a string with GMT+8:00)
Jeff Meatball Yang
added additional code
What about time zones on the half-hour? like GMT-2:30
added 1/2 hour code
Great job so far :-) - now what about large offsets like GMT-10??
also fixed see additional code
Found a problem - 2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z+4:30 returns a time of 11:00 when it should be 10:00
Great! This works except for the half hour part - it seems like the sign of the convert(int,right(@date,2)) should be opposite of the sign of the offset in the string.
Jeff Meatball Yang
@Jeff - my answer works for all cases
fixed also here
@SQLMenace - awesome. thanks for the assist!
Jeff Meatball Yang
+2  A: 

OK here's my try at it - this was fun :-)

 DECLARE  @datestr varchar(100)

SET @datestr = '2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z+4:00'

SELECT @datestr, DATEADD(mi, -1 * CAST(SUBSTRING(@datestr,25,1)+'1' AS int) *  
    DATEDIFF(mi,'1900-01-01', CAST(SUBSTRING(@datestr,26,5) as datetime)),   
    CAST(LEFT(@datestr,23) as datetime) )

SET @datestr = '2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z-4:00'

SELECT @datestr, DATEADD(mi, -1 * CAST(SUBSTRING(@datestr,25,1)+'1' AS int) *  
    DATEDIFF(mi,'1900-01-01', CAST(SUBSTRING(@datestr,26,5) as datetime)),   
    CAST(LEFT(@datestr,23) as datetime) )

SET @datestr = '2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z+14:00'

SELECT @datestr, DATEADD(mi, -1 * CAST(SUBSTRING(@datestr,25,1)+'1' AS int) *  
    DATEDIFF(mi,'1900-01-01', CAST(SUBSTRING(@datestr,26,5) as datetime)),   
    CAST(LEFT(@datestr,23) as datetime) )

SET @datestr = '2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z+4:30'

SELECT @datestr, DATEADD(mi, -1 * CAST(SUBSTRING(@datestr,25,1)+'1' AS int) *  
    DATEDIFF(mi,'1900-01-01', CAST(SUBSTRING(@datestr,26,5) as datetime)),   
    CAST(LEFT(@datestr,23) as datetime) )

SET @datestr = '2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z-4:30'

SELECT @datestr, DATEADD(mi, -1 * CAST(SUBSTRING(@datestr,25,1)+'1' AS int) *  
    DATEDIFF(mi,'1900-01-01', CAST(SUBSTRING(@datestr,26,5) as datetime)),   
    CAST(LEFT(@datestr,23) as datetime) )

SET @datestr = '2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z+14:30'

SELECT @datestr, DATEADD(mi, -1 * CAST(SUBSTRING(@datestr,25,1)+'1' AS int) *  
    DATEDIFF(mi,'1900-01-01', CAST(SUBSTRING(@datestr,26,5) as datetime)),   
    CAST(LEFT(@datestr,23) as datetime) )


2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z+4:00  2009-06-26 10:30:00.000

2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z-4:00  2009-06-26 18:30:00.000

2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z+14:00 2009-06-26 00:30:00.000

2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z+4:30  2009-06-26 10:00:00.000

2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z-4:30  2009-06-26 19:00:00.000

2009-06-26 14:30:00.000Z+14:30 2009-06-26 00:00:00.000
+ 1 on that since it is cleaner
Sweet! This works! I was hoping it wouldn't look so ugly, but whatever. This also requires that the string be a certain length - but I'm validating the string pattern on the way in anyway.
Jeff Meatball Yang