My lucene index has got latitude and longitudes fields indexed as follows:
doc.Add(new Field("latitude", latitude.ToString() , Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED));
doc.Add(new Field("longitude", longitude.ToString(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED));
I want to retrieve a set of documents from this index whose lat and long values are in a given range.
As you already know, Lat and long could be negative values. How do i correctly store signed decimal numbers in Lucene? Would the approach mentioned below give correct results or is there any other way to do this?
Term lowerLatitude = new Term("latitude", bounds.South.ToString() );
Term upperLatitude = new Term("latitude", bounds.North.ToString());
RangeQuery latitudeRangeQuery = new RangeQuery(lowerLatitude, upperLatitude, true);
findLocationQuery.Add(latitudeRangeQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
Term lowerLongitude = new Term("longitude", bounds.West.ToString());
Term upperLongitude = new Term("longitude", bounds.East.ToString());
RangeQuery longitudeRangeQuery = new RangeQuery(lowerLongitude, upperLongitude, true);
findLocationQuery.Add(longitudeRangeQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
Also,I wanted to know how Lucene's ConstantScoreRangeQuery is better than RangeQuery class.
Am facing another problem in this context: I've one of the documents in the index with the following 3 cities:
Lyons, IL
Oak Brook, IL
San Francisco, CA
If i give input as "Lyons, IL" then this record comes up. But if i give San Francisco, CA as input, then it does not.
However, if i store the cities for this document as follows:
San Francisco, CA
Lyons, IL
Oak Brook, IL
and when i give San Francisco, CA as input, then this record shows in the search results.
What i want here is that if i type any of the 3 cities in input,I should get this document in the search results.
Please help me achieve this.