


+2  Q: 

Dojo and Firebug

I just started a new project with the Dojo toolkit, and no sooner did I drop my dojo.js script tag in than firebug started telling me

Could not load 'dojo._firebug.firebug'; last tried './_firebug/firebug.js'

I know dojo has a reputation for bad debugging messages, but this is ridiculous....

If anyone has any ideas about this I would appreciate it.

+3  A: 

You need to put it on a web server, per this thread -- probably a local web server that only serves to your own machine, of course, for development purposes.

Alex Martelli
Ah thanks...I literally just started this project, haven't even set it up on my apache yet. Thanks!
hmmm it still gives me that error...
@Paul, if this "still gives [you] that error" you need to unaccept the answer. Otherwise delete your comment.
+1  A: 

Why not start with the skeleton code? When in doubt, go with the beginner's tutorial.


Dojo.js should be in the root/Dojo folder.
It should work that way.

+1  A: 

i've run into this issue on Firefox, if you access a local HTML page that is not being passed through a server, Firefox will give you errors because if does not allow directory traversal.

Other browsers allow local directory traversal though.

The best solution is to run the page through a server (local or remotely) since a server allows this type of directory traversal to occur.

+1  A: 

It is possible to work without a web server. go through the below mentioned steps.

Set Security.fileuri.strict origin policy to false and retry.


Like people have said the error comes when firebug.js isn't there; I got the same error but it was because I created a custom build but left my DjConfig value isDebug to be true.

As soon as I changed it to isDebug:false dojo quit trying to load firebug.
