Hi there,
I have a program that basically looks like:
typedef struct cpl_def
int A;
int B;
int OK;
struct cpls *link;
int main(void)
int n1, n2;
int num = 300; /* say */
int *a;
a = NULL;
int *apt;
int *b;
b = NULL;
int *bpt;
cpls *cplptr;
cplptr = NULL;
int i, j;
for (i=0; i < 2000; i++)
if (i == 0)
cplptr = (cpls *) malloc(num*sizeof(cpls) ); /* create the structure */
...operations on cplptr ... */
...determine I need a subset of size n1 (a positive integer of size n1 which changes during the loop) entries from cplptr ... */
n1 = FOO2(cplptr);
n2 = FOO3(cplptr);
...figure out the values of A, B for additional n2 entries into cplptr ...
cplptr2 = (cpls *) malloc(n2*sizeof(cpls) ); /* a second structure to store additional entries */
/* .... operations on cplptr2 ...*/
/* ...copy subset of n1 entries from cplptr into dynamically allocated arrays a,b of size n1... */
a = malloc(n1 * sizeof(int));
apt = &a[0];
b = malloc(n1 * sizeof(int));
bpt = &b[0];
for (j=0; j < num; j++)
if (cplptr[j].OK==1)
(*apt++) = cplptr[j].a;
(*bpt++) = cplptr[j].b;
free(cplptr); /* free the first structure */
cplptr = (cpls *) malloc((n1+n2)*sizeof(cpls) ); /* redeclare the first structure to reflect the proper sizes */
for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) /* transfer a subset of size n1 to the first structure */
cplptr[j].a = a[j];
cplptr[j].b = b[j];
cplptr[j].OK = 1;
for (j = n1; j < n1 + n2; j++) /* transfer things to the first structure */
cplptr[j].a = cplptr2[j].a;
cplptr[j].b = cplptr2[j].b;
cplptr[j].OK = cplptr2[j].OK;
free(cplptr2); /* free the second structure */
} /* End iteration i
} /* End main() */
This is just the skeletal form but it hopefully provides enough of a picture. ANyhow it generally runs fine, but for some values of n1, n2, the free(cplptr) seems to cause a segmentation fault. It's only called once, and I check the address after the malloc() call to cplptr and before the corresponding free() for cplptr.
cplptr = (cpls *) malloc(num*sizeof(cpls) );
printf("fine to this %p\n", &cplptr[0]);
printf("fine to this %p\n", &cplptr[0]);
free(cplptr) <- segmentation fault happens here.
The addresses match, meaning free() should be freeing what it's supposed to, right?? gdb gives Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0xb7ce179b in ?? () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 and step Cannot find bounds of current function
Is there another way to implement something like that avoids the segmentation faults?
Thanks a million for your suggestions! Any idea what's going on??