i am new to asp.net mvc so please be explicit as possible.
Here is my goal:
i want to create a simple website where users can:
- Register and log in
- Enter there contact details(phone, address, etc)
- View there contact details
- Edit details of #3.
Later in the website, i will create other pages that use this data but for now the only items above are needed.
my questions is that i have been reviewing the default asp.net mvc sample that comes when you create a new asp.net mvc app.
I am trying to figure out if i should store all the contact details in the aspnetdb.mdf database in an existing table or i should be creating new tables.
it seems like i could extend aspnet_Users or aspnet_membership.
please let me know if these tables can be extended to store additional fields or if its safer to just create a new table in this database.