I have an enum that looks as follows:
public enum TransactionStatus { Open = 'O', Closed = 'C'};
and I'm pulling data from the database with a single character indicating - you guessed it - whether 'O' the transaction is open or 'C' the transaction is closed.
now because the data comes out of the database as an object I am having a heck of a time writing comparison code.
The best I can do is to write:
protected bool CharEnumEqualsCharObj(TransactionStatus enum_status, object obj_status) {
return ((char)enum_status).ToString() == obj_status.ToString();
However, this is not the only character enum that I have to deal with, I have 5 or 6 and writting the same method for them is annoying to say the least. Supposedly all enums inherit from System.Enum but if I try to set that as the input type I get compilation errors. This is also in .NET 1.1 so generics are out of the question.
I've been struggling with this for a while. Does anyone have a better way of writing this method? Also, can anyone clarify the whole enums inherit from System.Enum but are not polymorphic thing?