Total N00b here, I have a long form wizard that needs one step to be dynamically shown/hidden dependant on a radio button. All is cool with the code thus far.
function checkRb () {
//alert ("yeah");
}else {
//alert ("no");
The issue is that the hidden field "#do_frick" is several steps further down the page. If I place it in the same div as the checkbox, values change no problem. Place "#do_frick" further down the form and it doesnt change.
I expect that $(this) is only looking inside the current div and not the entire document. I got this far with the help of a very good programmer and dont want to annoy him further with N00b questions, any help greatly appreciated :)
It appears that if I put the "#do_frick" inside a div that is further down the page the form wizard sets the to display:none and anything inside the div cannot be set... would this be correct ?