How do you retrieve the last element of an array in C#?
To compute the index of the last item:
int index = array.Length - 1;
Will get you -1 if the array is empty - you should treat it as a special case.
To access the last index:
array[array.Length - 1] = ...
... = array[array.Length - 1]
will cause an exception if the array is actually empty (Length is 0).
2009-06-29 05:54:55
The following is torretant of empty arrays and will return NULL if the array is empty, else the last element.
var item = (arr.Length == 0) ? null : arr[arr.Length - 1]
2009-06-29 06:02:12
The array has a Length
property that will give you the length of the array. Since the array indices are zero-based, the last item will be at Length - 1
string[] items = GetAllItems();
string lastItem = items[items.Length - 1];
int arrayLength = array.Length;
When declaring an array in C#, the number you give is the length of the array:
string[] items = new string[5]; // five items, index ranging from 0 to 4.
Fredrik Mörk
2009-06-29 06:02:35
Use Array.GetUpperBound(0). Array.Length contains the number of items in the array, so reading Length -1 only works on the assumption that the array is zero based.
Simon Svensson
2009-06-29 06:17:18