



Is there a way to reference the colours used in the jQuery themes without creating a simple style for each theme that I may choose to use?

Example: I have some text as follows


which I'd like to be change colour in line with my theme of the day. I wish to use the primary colour from a theme (say ui-lightness) which is "#1c94c4" as defined in several of the styles such as ui-state-default in ui-lightness.css

The problem is that if I do the following

<div class='ui-state-default'>Hello</div>

I get all the other style effects, like borders and background colour, which are not right for my application What I'd like to do is something like

<div class='ui-primary-color'>Hello</div>

which would automatically change only the colour dependent on the theme.

PS. Doing a pre-build pre-processing step to parse the themes and generate a customised css style would be my least favourable option here!

var color = $(".ui-state-default").css("color");

gave me color: "rgb(255, 255, 255)"