




I have a custom ASPX page, that I deployed in the ISV folder. The page contains a ScriptManager control.

In order for the page to load, I need to include the AJAX configuration settings somewhere. For a custom website, I can put the configuration inside web.config file. But with Dynamics CRM, the changes to web.config are not supported ... and, as much as possible, I would like to stay on the "supported" side.

I tried to use the "multiple configuration files" feature of the ASP.NET and place a web.config file inside the ISV folder. But the CRM application seems to ignore my config file.

Please advise me on how to include AJAX on my custom ASPX page.

Thank you

+1  A: 

Hi Ciprian,

Referring to MSCRM 4.0 Extension MOC, you can include your own web.config in your custom ASP.NET web application inside the ISV folder.

Just take note that, you can remove MapOrg and CrmAuthentication HttpModules which are used by the root MS-CRM web.config.

These are the sample code snippet of removing the two HttpModules


You can also refer to Ronald Lemmen post and Cesar post

Hope this helps,

hadi teo

hadi teo

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