I have a C# project in Visual Studio and I am trying to get it hooked up with Nant, CC.NET and some tests. Nant isn't compiling my project because it says it can't find one of my classes, called LocationData. The only thing I have for this class is a schema (LocationData.xsd and LocationData.xss). I have tried adding them under sources, references and resources, but it's not working. Any other ideas?
Here is my compile target:
<target name="compile"
description="compiles the application">
<csc target="library" output="build\${nant.project.name}.dll" debug="${debug}">
<include name="\**\*.cs" />
<exclude name="Tests\**\*.cs" />
<include name="bin\*.dll" />
<include name="\**\*.xsd" />
Thanks! Amber