I'm writing a custom deserializer that will deserialize a list by deserializing each of the individual objects in the collection and then putting it together.
Basically my code looks like this:
//myField is a FieldInfo that represents the field we want to put the data in
//resultObject is the object we want the data to go into
List<Object> new_objects = new List<Object>();
foreach (String file_name in file_name_list)
Object field_object = MyDeserialization(file_name)
myField.SetValue(resultObject, new_objects);
But this gives an error on the SetValue because (for example) I am trying to put a List(Object) into a List(Int32). Note that this problem only occurs with collections. The following code:
Object new_object = MyDeserialization(file_name)
myField.SetValue(resultObject, new_object)
works just fine provided that the runtime type of the result of MyDeserialization(file_name) is actually compatible with the type of myField. What is the problem here, and is there a way to make the collection deserialization work? (I've tried replacing the List(Object) declaration with myField.FieldType and that won't even compile.