



I'm writing a custom deserializer that will deserialize a list by deserializing each of the individual objects in the collection and then putting it together.

Basically my code looks like this:

//myField is a FieldInfo that represents the field we want to put the data in
//resultObject is the object we want the data to go into

List<Object> new_objects = new List<Object>();
foreach (String file_name in file_name_list)
     Object field_object = MyDeserialization(file_name)
myField.SetValue(resultObject, new_objects);

But this gives an error on the SetValue because (for example) I am trying to put a List(Object) into a List(Int32). Note that this problem only occurs with collections. The following code:

Object new_object = MyDeserialization(file_name)
myField.SetValue(resultObject, new_object)

works just fine provided that the runtime type of the result of MyDeserialization(file_name) is actually compatible with the type of myField. What is the problem here, and is there a way to make the collection deserialization work? (I've tried replacing the List(Object) declaration with myField.FieldType and that won't even compile.


The problem is that .NET can't know that your List is actually a List. The following code should work:

//myField is a FieldInfo that represents the field we want to put the data in
//resultObject is the object we want the data to go into

List<MyType> new_objects = new List<MyType>();
foreach (String file_name in file_name_list)
     Object field_object = MyDeserialization(file_name)
myField.SetValue(resultObject, new_objects);

For Fun Linq Extra Credit (assuming file_name_list is IEnumerable):

myField.SetValue(resultObject, file_name_list
           .Select(s => MyDeserialization(s))
This wouldn't work because MyType is unknown at compile time.

Collections do not offer covariance... a List<int> simply isn't a List<object> (or v.v.). As such, you need to identify the T, for example like so (using the FieldInfo.FieldType) - and create the right type of list in the first place.

For convenience, once created it may be simpler to use the non-generic IList interface:

Type listType = typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(itemType);
IList list = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(listType);
list.Add(...); // etc

However; I must stress - writing a full (and robust) serializer is a lot of work. Do you have a specific reason? Many of the inbuilt serializers are pretty good - for example DataContractSerializer - or 3rd party, such as Json.Net, and (if I do say so myself) protobuf-net.

Marc Gravell
Actually, I'm not really writing an entire custom serializer. What I'm trying to do is take a very large object and break it up into a whole bunch of smaller objects that can be serialized each in a separate file. For example if one of the fields in the object was a list of 50 records, and each record was a megabyte, if I want to pull out one record I would want to have a way of just deserializing the one record that I want, rather than deserializing the whole object with all 50 records. My serializer would then call a built in serializer to serialize the broken up objects.