I have a class I wrote for serializing the user's preferences to disk between application sessions. To read/write I'm using XmlSerializer.Deserialize() and XmlSerializer.Serialize(). One property that gets serialized is a list of sub-settings for different application components. To accomplish this, I have something like the following (the property is only used during serialization):
private readonly Dictionary<SettingType, SubSettings> subSettings;
[XmlArrayItem("SubSetting", Type=typeof(DictionaryEntry))]
public DictionaryEntry[] _SubSettings
int i = 0;
//Make an array of DictionaryEntries to return
DictionaryEntry[] result = new DictionaryEntry[subSettings.Count];
foreach( KeyValuePair<SettingType, SubSettings> setting in subSettings ) {
DictionaryEntry entry = new DictionaryEntry( setting.Key, setting.Value );
result[i] = entry;
return result;
for( int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++ )
subSettings.Add( (SettingType)value[i].Key, (SubSettings)value[i].Value );
That's been serving me perfectly well, with all the dictionary's values being SubSettings dynamically. The problem is that now I'd like to have some of the SubSettings objects be a different dynamic type (CoolSubSettings : SubSettings). The obvious problem is that if I do this, I won't be able to communicate as the XML is read what dynamic type each SubSettings node is supposed to be, and its additional properties will not be read or written.