




In Aptana, their FTP browser is useful for a few things. One thing I have not figured out how to do is to copy an external file on my computer over to their FTP browser.

I can download files, create new files/directories, but when I drag a file from explorer to the browser, I get the [+] symbol but nothing happens!

Is it possible to do this?

Note: I believe this is programming related because Apatana is an IDE and being able to do this will speed up some of my programming work.


Can you be a bit more specific?

What do you mean by 'an external file stored on your computer'?

Also, I believe after you drag this file into aptana's file browser/side pane, you have to right click it and select Upload.

When I drag the file from Windows Explorer into the FTP files pane, the cursor switches to [+] besides the pointer but the file never is copied over to the remote server.
I would place the file you intent to upload into the actual directory Aptana is reading it from. From my experience, aptana allows you to sync with FTP repositories but not actually work *from* them. Put the file in the folder, refresh aptana's view in the files pane, right-click the file and select Upload.
Ah I've been working from the actual directory.. it uploads when I hit save. Just so my boss can check up on my progress. Not my idea way of doing things.