



I'm seeing less and less of this on job boards, and I'm having trouble hiring an interface engineer who specializes in XHTML, CSS and JavaScript. Is this because designers are taking this on with their design duties, or programmers are now responsible for building out pages, or is it because this work is easily contracted out to companies like PSD2HTML?


Especially if you're a programmer or software engineer, and are now asked to perform these duties as well as your own back end development responsibilities, please respond if you could. It would be very helpful to know. Thanks!


My opinion: Programmers are now responsible for building out pages.

With the advent of AJAX/XHR and Web2.0, programmers had to learn how to build pages.

This should be tagged as community wiki, shouldn't it?


I think slicing up XHTML/CSS is one of the worst jobs in the world.

More companies like PSD2HTML, the better for everyone.

Luca Matteis

There are no metrics (or at least no popular ones) for UIs. So you can't build unit tests for them. And most of the frameworks are designed to build the UI from the database. So yes, I think more development organizations think they can get by without the UI specialists.

I don't personally buy it, though. You end up with data maintenance screens, and the use cases get neglected.

le dorfier
+3  A: 

I wouldn't say "dying out" per se, but more programmers are learning how to do double duty. i started as a jr dev for an interactive agency and had to learn how to do all of the slicing and xhtml/css-ing. later i moved into programming, but now i don't have to pay someone to do that part for me (i also happen to enjoy it :) ).

+1  A: 

an interface engineer who specializes in XHTML, CSS and JavaScript

Does the word 'engineer' fit?

Do Javascript and CSS/XHTML go together?

Where do you work where these things are considered separate jobs and how can I get a job where you work?

Is that 'separate jobs' thing factored into the cost of what you're building?

I always lumped the three together as client side. Maybe that is not the case anymore. For my needs, CSS, XHTML and JavaScript are a requirement... maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way. Maybe I need a junior programmer, and the CSS/XHTML should be farmed out?
Gack. If you need a reasonably large amount of good JavaScript code, you need an engineer. If it's decoration, by all means get the junior.
+1  A: 

I think most web developers are expected to know (at least the basics of) XHTML/HTML, CSS and JavaScript as well as the particular server-side technology that's used. Actually, I haven't seen any specific job openings for a person who only deals with XHTML, CSS and JavaScript. Those duties are usually split between the Development and Graphics departments. Although, since the advent of Ajax the need/use of JavaScript has increased greatly.

Chris Pietschmann

A lot of devs who can't design to save their lives (I mostly fit that) can quite nicely convert a design mockup they're given into good XHTML/CSS (usually much better than a design-oriented person could!)

I would say designers who can code a bit and coders who can translate designs get rid of the need for people who just do XHTML work.


I don't think it's dying out, but I think there is a developing split between client-side web skills (CSS, XHTML, JS) and rich client-side applications, and "traditional" developers are heading towards the server-side or the rich client applications. AS a result, it may be harder to find an interface engineer with good SE skills.

A lot of emphasis is indeed moving to the web and I think there are quite a few people who learn those skills. This means that people who specialize in rich-client applications are becoming more rare, and as a result probably higher paid. Especially in finance and defensey, there is a lot of focus on the ability to build very very efficient GUIs that can handle a lot of information in a multithreaded and distributed environment. I think that some of the stronger "traditional" core programmers are specializing in that direction.

On the other hand, programmers specializing in web-based interfaces are likely facing competition from people who studied interactive design and have a less traditional CS background. Some of them may lack the formal software engineering skills or CS background but possibly make up for it with a better design/aesthetics/HCI background and skills. I think that pushes traditional programmers away.

+1  A: 

I'm not quite sure if it was ever here to begin with. I believe that front-end development is its own task, one best suited for a split between a designer and a builder, but this often gets kludged in certain environments, and you'll find that a lot of people don't want to recognize that side of things.

I'm a front-end guy for the most part, and if I had my way, I'd never let a back-end/server-side guy build a layout or touch front-end code. There's unique challenges that come with the job, usability being one of the chief issues. Creating a layout that can adapt to the warzone that is rendering on the internet is very easily a full time job.

It's one area of this industry that, at least to me, has always lurked in the shadows of traditional programmers and designers. Based on the reasons listed, I'd expect this to come into play even more, in terms of it being considered a "specialty".

Ryan McGrath

I'm a web/graphic designer at a company who builds web based software and games.

When I started in this industry 4 years ago, my web-design teacher said that it was the developers responsibility to sort out the HTML/CSS & JavaScript. But nowadays it has become the designers task.

In my opinion the initial HTML layout & the CSS should be the designers baby. But once the site has progressed from a drawing board sketch into an HTML/CSS template, the developers (JavaScript & server side) should jump in and complete the task.

It all comes down to your preferences: Do what you like and leave what you don't. I stand by the philosophy that states that there are always a person that loves doing the tasks that you hate.

My last say: We're not of a dying breed, we're just evolving.

Phaze Phusion
designers typically make the worst xhtml/css. in my experience you're better off getting the comp from them and doing the coding yourself.
+4  A: 

I find it to actually be a stronger discipline than it was four or five years ago in that it's now recognized in many places as quite separate from design and back-end build. Believe me, I've been a front-end development manager / architect in enough places to see and appreciate the change and I can tell you that there's an appreciable difference in code quality, performance, and maintainability in stuff cranked out by designers and back-end developers and even a rookie front-end developer.

Designers are good at design. Java developers are good at developing in Java. DBAs are good at that sort of thing. HTML/CSS/JavaScript development is it's own specialty with people who are very good at it, too.

Sure, you can hire generalists that can cover all the bases, but in staffing a team of generalists you're going to miss the benefits of a specialist's knowledge. For instance, I know PHP and SQL. I could build a decent enough database to power a site. Is it going to be functional? Sure. Are you going to want your site running on it? Heck no. You'll want a DBA to make sure it's actually going to work. The same is true for the front-end of a site: people can hack away all day in HTML, but do you really want them to? What are they creating?

The above is true with any of the web disciplines (and, in fact, most career paths you'll see): you can find a generalist who can often "get the job done" but, in most cases, if you can hire a specialist you'll get the job done better. Do you want a handyman installing the lights in your living room ceiling or do you want an electrician?

People tend to look down on HTML/JavaScript/CSS, and it has a bit of an undeserved rep as something that "anyone can do." Sure, anyone can do it, but a few do it well.

I know people that have had good experiences with slice-and-build shops, so they are a way to go. I also know people that have had terrible experiences and would never use them again. Just like off-shoring back-end development, your mileage may (and probably will) vary.

Also, I haven't really noticed a dip in postings for front-end devs, and I'm still getting at least a couple recruiter spam calls a week looking for folks like me, so I'd say we're alive and well.


With the prevalence of AJAX I think trying to find a client-side only developer may be a lot of work. Since AJAX involves calls to a server, this can be integrated into an application so someone writing an ASP.Net application with AJAX will have its own JavaScript as part of the application.

I develop now from back-end to front-end whether I'm customizing a CMS or integrating into a CRM or ERP system. I used to be more of a front-end developer that had other teams handling some of the back-end functionality, though that front-end involved server scripting first and then a little JavaScript where it was needed. Initially, I did some ISAPI server work as well as a little work on a server/client application a decade ago which seems like many more years given all the advances in the web in that time.

JB King

No. But it's about the size of the team, the larger the team, the more specialization there is. The fewer, the less. That's been my experience.

You may be interested in this video by ppk of QuirksMode speaking on the topic of Professionalism in Frontend Engineering. He started the group Fronteers (in Dutch) in the Netherlands to be an organization of front-enders.
