id bb
1 14,35
2 5,11,12,125,36
3 3,23,45,15,1
4 651
5 5,1,6
6 1,7
For example, i wan't get id which with value '1'. So id(3,5,6) should return , but not others with '14' or '11'.
DB: Mysql
id bb
1 14,35
2 5,11,12,125,36
3 3,23,45,15,1
4 651
5 5,1,6
6 1,7
For example, i wan't get id which with value '1'. So id(3,5,6) should return , but not others with '14' or '11'.
DB: Mysql
Am I missing something?
FROM MyTable
WHERE (id = 3) or (id = 5) or (id = 6)
select * from test where find_in_set('1',bbb)
select * from test where bbb REGEXP '(^|,)1(,|$)'
This is not the most efficient solution but it might give you what you want off the table:
select id from MyTable where bb like '%,1,%' union
select id from MyTable where bb like '1,%' union
select id from MyTable where bb like '%,1' union
select id from MyTable where bb like '1'
you can do like this select * from mytable where id like '14%' or '11%'