



I have a list of divs with images in them:

<div class="wizard-img"><%= image_tag("sources/pix/nyt.png") %></div>
<div class="wizard-img"><%= image_tag("sources/pix/theguardian.png") %></div>

When a user clicks the div, I'd like it to change the image to x-on.png, when clicked again, it'll change to x-off.png, and when clicked a third time it should revert to x.png.

Is it possible to do this without manually specifying jQuery for every image change? Can I traverse the div and find the image name, and simply append the -off/-on to the image?


+1  A: 

FWIW, I suggest you do this using plain CSS and background-image. It sounds to me that this is not really normal images, but rather "buttons".

Deniz Dogan
each "button" has different images [and different toggle images]?
I don't know how many images there are, but if there are just a few, the approach that I suggested still works - just apply another class e.g. "one", "two" or "three" depending on which state the button is in.
Deniz Dogan
$('.wizard-img').click(function() {
    var img = $(this).find('img');
    var src = img.attr('src');

    //image is neither on nor off, so change src to on and return
    if(src != 'x-on.png' && src != 'x-off.png') {
        return false;

    //image is on, so change src to off and return
    if(src == 'x-on.png') {
        return false;    

    //image is off, so change src to x and return
    if(src == 'x-off.png') {
        return false;    
sorry, by "x" i meant the name of the image in the div, so it'd be nyt, theguardian, etc etc... can that be selected via jquery?
+5  A: 

Perhaps CSS sprites would work for you?

That would save you from loading a separate image every time you click the image (button?), and you could solve your problem by adding and removing a css-class, e.g.:

    function() {
        if ($(this).hasClass('on')) {
        } else if ($(this).hasClass('off')) {
        } else {
Both states will be loaded and ready when the user hits the button, oh and you reduce your requests which is always a good idea :)
This is, without a doubt, the route I would take to achieve what the asker needs.
T Pops
+3  A:

  function () {
  function () {
  function () {
+1  A: 

CSS Sprites would indeed be the way to do this, but just for completeness, here's another option.

Normally I'm the last to reach for a regexp, but I think they'll help here

$('.wizard-img').click(function() {
    var $img = $(this).find('img') ,
        src = $img.attr('src') ,
        onCheck = /\-on\.jpg$/ ,
        offCheck = /\-off\.jpg$/ ,
        normal = /\.jpg$/

    if(src.match(onCheck)) {
        $img.attr('src', src.replace(onCheck, '-off.jpg'));
    } else if (src.match(offCheck)) {
        $img.attr('src', src.replace(offCheck, '.jpg'));
    } else {
        $img.attr('src', src.replace(normal, '-on.jpg'));
Dan F