



I have a DataList bound to a SQL DataSource on my website. The DataSource has a view populating data to the control. I recently edited the View to contain a new column of data to use in my DataList, however when I go to reference it in the DataList I get a

'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'promo_timezone'.

error message. I have checked the column names for accuracy and have ran the View in Management Studio to confirm all my columns are accounted for. I am wondering if this is a bug of some sort, I am using SQL 2008 and .NET 3.5.

Any help with this issue would be appreciated.


Can you post your datalist and the SQL from the view so we can see if there are typos etc?

Found the issue yesterday. I had a SQLDataSource on the page which had all the columns from the view, however I also had a conditional query getting loaded from the code behind based on the count of the "coming soon" list. ANYONE that is getting the error message in my post, there is a missing or mistyped column in your datasource, make sure to check all possible queries to confirm all columns are getting returned that are needed in the control you are databinding to. Thanks for your Answer twlichty.