Is there a way to get a piece of code that is not between quotes (single or double) in javascript with regular expressions?
if i have this string:
'this is a test "this shouldn't be taken"'
the result should be:
'this is a test'
Is there a way to get a piece of code that is not between quotes (single or double) in javascript with regular expressions?
if i have this string:
'this is a test "this shouldn't be taken"'
the result should be:
'this is a test'
myString.replace(/".*?"/g, '')
will remove any string between double-quotes from myString. It doesn't handle escaped double-quotes, though.
You could remove the quoted part of your string with the javascript replace
str = 'this is a test "this shouldn\'t be taken"';
str_without_quotes = str.replace(/(['"]).*?\1/g, "") // => 'this is a test '
This should remove anything between single or double quotes, it works with multi-line strings (strings that contain \n or \r) and it should also handle escaped quotes:
var removeQuotes = /(['"])(?:\\?[\s\S])*?\1/g;
var test = 'this is a test "this shouldn\'t be taken"';
test.replace(removeQuotes, ""); // 'this is a test '
test = 'this is a test "this sho\\"uldn\'t be taken"';
test.replace(removeQuotes, ""); // 'this is a test '