I have a .NET assembly that contains classes to be registered as ServicedComponent through EnterpriseServices (COM+) and invoked through COM RPC by a third-party application. Therefore, I need to both add it to the GAC and add a registry entry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{clsid}\CodeBase
with the path to the assembly DLL within the GAC folder. (I can't rely on regsvcs to do it, because this is a 32-bit assembly --- it relies on 32-bit third-party components --- and the third-party application I referred to before cannot see classes in Wow6432Node)
So the question is:
Are paths to assemblies to be created in the GAC, or at least the path to the GAC folder itself, available in Windows Installer as properties that can be used in values of registry keys etc.?