Simple question, but not obvious from the Mozilla JS docs. Anyone know the answer off the top of their head?
Here's the standard implementation. Based on below, the only way is to check the readyState of the object, however this won't work in all browsers.
XMLHttpRequest.abort() Return Value
No return value.
abort was introduced in Windows Internet Explorer 7.
The abort method interrupts an asynchronous operation in progress. (Pass true to the varAsync parameter of open to create an asynchronous request.)
Calling abort resets the object; the onreadystatechange event handler is removed, and readyState is changed to 0 (uninitialized).
W3C Spec, "The XMLHttpRequest Object":
Shortcut to the abort() method:
Under the heading "Exceptions for the XMLHttpRequest Object" it says this:
The ABORT_ERR exception is raised when the user aborts a request in synchronous requests.