



In a Rails project I want to find the difference between two dates and then display it in natural language. Something like

>> (date1 - date2).to_natural_language 
"3 years, 2 months, 1 week, 6 days"

Basically this for ruby.

Google and the Rails API haven't turned up anything. I've found some things that will give you the difference in one unit (ie, how many weeks between two dates) but not something that will accurately calculate years, months, weeks, days all together.

+12  A: 

The Rails' ActionView module includes two methods that may do what you require:

John Topley
+1 Beat me to it.
+1  A: 


This is really good (and I'm annoyed I didn't find it before), but it still only gives me a rough approximation. I.e., it will give me "3 months", not "3 months, 4 days".
Eric Wright
+6  A: 

The other answers may not give the type of output that you're looking for, because instead of giving a string of years, months, etc., the Rails helpers just show the largest unit. If you're looking for something more broken down, here's another option. Stick this method into a helper:

def time_diff_in_natural_language(from_time, to_time)
  from_time = from_time.to_time if from_time.respond_to?(:to_time)
  to_time = to_time.to_time if to_time.respond_to?(:to_time)
  distance_in_seconds = ((to_time - from_time).abs).round
  components = []

  %w(year month week day).each do |interval|
    # For each interval type, if the amount of time remaining is greater than
    # one unit, calculate how many units fit into the remaining time.
    if distance_in_seconds >= 1.send(interval)
      delta = (distance_in_seconds / 1.send(interval)).floor
      distance_in_seconds -= delta.send(interval)
      components << pluralize(delta, interval)

  components.join(", ")

And then in a view you can say something like:

<%= time_diff_in_natural_language(, 2.5.years.ago) %>
=> 2 years, 6 months, 2 days

The given method only goes down to days, but can be easily extended to add in smaller units if desired.

Daniel Vandersluis
This looks really promising. Unfortunately I'm an getting "undefined method `pluralize' for #<Object:0x389a0 @controller=#<ApplicationController:0x117f3bc>>" error (in the console).
Eric Wright
That's because pluralize is an ActionView helper method: If you say `include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper` in script/console, pluralize will be defined. As mentioned in the answer, you should stick the method in a view helper (in app/helpers) and then refer to it from a view.
Daniel Vandersluis
+1  A: 

distance_of_time_in_words is the most accurate here. Daniel's answer is actully wrong: 2.5 years ago should produce exactly 2 years, 6 months. The issue is that months contain 28-31 day, and years might be leap.

I wish I knew how to fix this :(
