



I have an ASP.NET site that must use Forms Authentication and not Windows Authentication to access a ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider. The site must use forms because they need a designed input form instead of the browser authentication popup that Windows authentication uses.

The site needs to impersonate the user logged in via Active Directory to access user specific files.

However, the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() is not the same as the HttpContext.Current.User.Identity although my web.config contains:

<authentication mode="Forms">
    <forms loginUrl="login.aspx" timeout="480"/>
<identity impersonate="true" />

I cannot use LoginUser() and the WindowsIdentity.Impersonate() because I need to impersonate as the AD user to get their specific permissions, and I don't know the user's password because Forms takes care of logging in.

Is it possible maybe from the login.aspx.cs, to take the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Login.Password, then save the LoginUser() token in a session variable for WindowsIdentity.Impersonate() later? Or maybe a much more secure method of Impersonating the right way?

I'm confused why Forms authentication can't automatically <identity impersonate="true" />

I've read this but it uses Windows Authentication.


If your users are using IE then you can turn on integrated security for the website and your users will be authenticated silently (no login dialog, no login page). Your impersonation will then work. If you need to target other browsers then this may not work (the user will probably be presented with a login dialog).

Your current impersonation will never work because your users are logging in using an account other than their domain account. You can't expect the site to impersonate a user which hasn't supplied his credentials. That would go against basic security principals.

It's an extranet, so the users access internal files using AD accounts from outside the LAN.When using an ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider the users are logging in using their domain account. The actual user store is AD, they can log in using Forms or Windows authentication successfully, but cannot access the files when using Forms, only when using Windows because Forms uses the IUSR_* account.
+1  A:

tribus's comment on the other post about this one is:"Windows authentication works at the IIS level by passing your Windows authentication token. Since authentication occurs at the IIS level you cannot actually log out from application code. However, there seems to be an answer to your problem here. It is the second question addressed and essentially involves using Forms Authentication and the LogonUser Windows api."Linking to:
After doing the runaround from the article of adding stuff to the global.asax, importing the Win32 LogonUser() function and saving the WindowsPrincipal in the Session, Impersonate() would return successful, but the impersonation rights were not granted to the filesystem. And as soon as an exception was thrown, the principal expired. The article looked promising, but did not provide a working solution.

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On reading your question more closely, I am not sure if that approach would work with your scenario though; when you login using Forms Authentication and Impersonate Active Directory user

+1  A: 

"Forms" authentication cannot automatically impersonate.

If you know the username and password you can hack an impersonation.

There many other questions about this here on SO. Anyways you should check this link out: impersonation is possible using this method.
Raúl Roa
@Raul, the SetAuthCookie() function only authorizes the login, it does not impersonate.