I left cross-browser compatiblity issues for last, and it seems IE is going to be a big pain. Nothing is working in IE;
First of all, the following is not working:
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.setAttribute("height", "270px");
I have an invisible div onmouseover which displays a transparent div "cpanel". I cant access that as well.
hover.addEventListener('mouseover',function () {$('#cpanel').fadeIn("slow");/*Core.addClass(cpanel,"on");*/},false);
hover.addEventListener('mouseout', function () {$('#cpanel').fadeOut("slow");/*Core.removeClass(cpanel,"on");*/},false);
else if(hover.attachEvent) {
hover.attachEvent('onmouseover',function () {$('#cpanel').fadeIn("slow");/*Core.addClass(cpanel,"on");*/});
hover.attachEvent('onmouseout', function () {$('#cpanel').fadeOut("slow");/*Core.removeClass(cpanel,"on");*/});
Maybe there are some z-index issues?
I am unable to find more bugs as IE is not moving to the later stages... :(