On the following page, the orange "Buy Topo Map" link will open a page in IE7 (and Firefox and Safari), but not in IE8. The link is in the top-left.
I am using the following code to create the link:
var a = dec('a');
a.className = 'jLink';
a.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
a.style.color = '#CC5500';
a.style.fontSize = '.8em';
a.target = '_blank';
a.href = 'http://www.mytopo.com/searchgeo.cfm?lat=' + map.target.la + '&lon=' + map.target.lo+'&pid=trailbehind';
a.onclick = function () {
pageTracker._trackEvent("Orange Link", "Buy Topo Map", this.href);
return true;
a.appendChild(dct('Buy Topo Map'));
What's the matter?