Does such a thing exist where you can set up automatic text insertion shortcuts, but they can be dynamic?
A lot of work I'm doing involves a lot of changes to code, and I've found that I'm copy-pasting my MOD-string hundreds of times, and it can get lost in the other copy-paste objects.
Basically, I want to know if there's something I can setup where I can click say CTRL-ALT-M and it will automatically enter in
where YY = year (2 digits), MM = month (2 digits), DD = day (see the trend?) and BLT is a userdefined string (namely, the developers initials)
I know that I've probably spent more time typing this than it does just typing '--MOD090701BLT', but I was wondering if such a thing existed.
It can't be program specific, because I'm flicking between things all the time.
If I can find something like it, then it can be used for different things, like say selecting a text string and wrapping a 'if exists (select blah from stuff where 'TEXT STRING' roar)' etc.