I got the assignment to unify and simplyfy the companies Email sendouts from their site, with the possibility to edit the emails them selves. So Im scetching on a C# Window Form application with WYSIWYG-editor to manage all the emails. The email is stored in SQL-DB
But im in dire need of some tips and pointers on the logic of some of the sendouts.
Some of the sendouts is action triggerd from signups on the site etc. But some sendouts is intervall based, like search-match-email-notification and other reminder-emails wich is sent out in intervals from 5 min to every midnight.
My dilema is this: How do you best handle interval based sendouts? Can you implement some kind of deamon or service the checks stored procedurs at given intervals and trigger sendouts if there is any hits? I would prefer if the Application could handle both the managing of the email content and the schedueled sendouts, (the 5 min checks and every midnight)
Or is there any other smarter way to tackle the interval based sendouts?
Thankfull for tips and pointers on how to tackle this