



I need to be able to modify the HTTP headers for Internet Explorer for testing purposes.

Basically, I want to achieve the exact same thing that the Modify Headers plugin for Firefox does.


You could use Charles Proxy to do all sorts of header rewriting. It's a great tool.

Marc Novakowski
Thanks! This also worked great, and is much nicer to use than Fiddler. Costs money though.
Daniel Alexiuc
It still works without registration, just with nag screens and I think auto-shutdown after a period of time. However, once you start using this tool you'll quickly realize it's well worth the small price.
Marc Novakowski
If you actually think it's "much nicer", I'd very much like to hear why. Please email me using the Help / Send Feedback link in Fiddler.
EricLaw -MSFT-
+3  A: 

You could install Fiddler and modify request headers with the CustomRules.js file

This worked great and is free.
Daniel Alexiuc

Proxomitron has the ability to modify headers for IE and its free
