I am running a client/server application. I use a textbox to let the user type in the IP address and port. I try to connect to the server, using and there is no problem. After that I tried using (NAT ip address of this computer), and it fails. Any idea why?
the code I am using is: (this the the part that connects)
connect(string IPaddress, int port)
TcpCLient connection = new TcpClient();
connection.Connect(IPaddress, port);
I checked with debug, it DOES use the right IPaddress and port. Firewall should allow it to connect. It's weird.
EDIT: I think I know the problem. At the server side, I use
_listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Loopback, 8001);
And I think that's the reason why it only accepts connections from But then, what should I use instead? I just want any connection from any IP with this port.