Based on the comment in your question, I am assuming you have something like this in your HTML:
<a href="#" onclick="repost_submit(5);">copy post</a>
And I am also assuming that because you are passing a post ID there can be more than one per page.
Part of the beauty of jQuery is that you can do really cool stuff to sets of elements without having to use inline Javascript events. These are considered a bad practice nowadays, as it is best to separate Javascript from your presentation code.
The proper way, then, would be to do something like this:
<a href="#" id='copy-5' class='copy_link'>copy post</a>
And then you can have many more that look similar:
<a href="#" id='copy-5' class='copy_link'>copy post</a>
<a href="#" id='copy-6' class='copy_link'>copy post</a>
<a href="#" id='copy-7' class='copy_link'>copy post</a>
Finally, you can write code with jQuery to do something like this:
$(function() { // wait for the DOM to be ready
$('a.copy_link').click(function() { // whenever a copy link is clicked...
var id ='-').pop(); // get the id of the post
var str = $('#repost_msg-' + id); // span not required, since it is an ID lookup
$('#cat_post_box').val(str); // empty not required, and val() is the proper way to change the value of an input element (even textareas)
return false;
This is the best way to do it even if there is only one post in the page. Part of the problem with your code is that on the first click it BINDS the function, and in the subsequent clicks is when it finally gets called. You could go for a quick and dirty fix by changing that around to just be in document.ready.