I have a cannon digital camera and I set it to take pictures with superfine quality and it outputs a .jpg file 3 mega in size. If I load it like this in ASP.NET(this is useful to change it's dpi resolution or crop it or whaterver)
imgPicture = Image.FromFile(Config.WorkDirectory + this.TempPhotoName);
bmpPicture = new Bitmap(imgPicture);
and then I save it again like this:
bmpModified.Save(Config.WorkDirectory + this.TempPhotoName,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
it outputs a jpg that is only 700KB or so in size. There is a loss of quality.
I also tried saving it like this:
bmpPicture.Save(Config.WorkDirectory + this.TempPhotoName, codecJpeg, encparams);
where codecJpeg is
ImageCodecInfo codecJpeg = this.getEncoderInfo("image/jpeg");
private ImageCodecInfo getEncoderInfo(string mimeType)
// Get image codecs for all image formats
ImageCodecInfo[] codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
// Find the correct image codec
for (int i = 0; i < codecs.Length; i++)
if (codecs[i].MimeType == mimeType)
return codecs[i];
return null;
and encparams:
EncoderParameters encparams = new EncoderParameters(1);
encparams.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality, 97L);
This way the size(and I suspect also the quality) is maintained but I am inputing the quality by hand.
I want to ask:
Is there a way to save the image with the same quality as it was loaded without hardcoding the quality value?
Thank you in advance