



You have to have a form on your website for people to send an email to a friend if they found something interesting. You can force people to be logged in (which is not a good option in my case). You can make time delay (this is not really urgent email, so it can wait for 5 minutes). Do you have this problem? How would you solve it?

Edit: I am mostly interested in stopping manual spam

+1  A: 

Do you have a problem with automated scripting of your form, or people genuinely using it too much?

The simple solution to the bot problem is a Captcha, such as ReCaptcha. The user-friendliness is questionable, but it would perhaps solve your problem.

Sorry, was not clear enough. I am talking about manual spam
Georgy Bolyuba

This service has very good anti-spam measures.

FYI, I am involved with the company, so I'm not entirely unbiased, but we do get a lot of refugees who come to us to end their spam problems with other services or downloaded scripts.


If you feel the need to vote down, perhaps you should leave a comment too...


You can also use something different from all those captcha scripts. Let me tell you what I do: - I create a md5 hash:


echo '<input type="hidden" name="form-check" value="'.$md5Value.'">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="bot-check" value="">';

those are 2 very simple ways because: 1) auto bots try to fill all your inputs and 2)the hash is not provided, this mean you have a post request from outside your site. The hashing could be extended with some session or cookie, too.

All the best!


I would recommend a Captcha or if you would like something a bit less intrusive, have a simple math problem(which changes) so you just have something like:

For spam protection: Type what Two Plus Two is here _________

I did this on my personal website and never had a problem(and I had a lot of attempts that failed by spambots)
