




When using a Settings.settings file in .NET, where is the config actually stored? I want to delete the saved settings to go back to the default state, but can't find where it's stored... any ideas?


All your settings are stored in the respective .config file.

The .settings file simply provides a strongly typed class for a set of settings that belong together, but the actual settings are stored in app.config or a .config file in your application.

If you add a .settings file, an app.config will be automatically added to house the settings if you don't already have one.

Praveen Angyan
+1  A: 

It is in a folder with your application's name in Application Data folder in User's home folder (C:\documents and settings\user on xp and c:\users\user on Windows Vista).

There is some information here also.

PS:- try accessing it by %appdata% in run box!

+2  A: 

If your settings file is in a web app, they will be in teh web.config file (right below your project. If they are in any other type of project, they will be in the app.config file (also below your project).

Not correct. There is no app.config settings file in running application, because app.config will be renamed into [appname].exe.config. And anyway this file will contain only ApplicationScoped settings from settings.settins.
@arbiter:Perhaps I missunderstood the question, but Adam appeared to be asking about the design-time defaults. Those are stored in app.config. At build-time, teh app.config file is copied to the build directory and renamed to (theapp.exe.config). However, if you edit that file directly (and are working in visual studio), you run the risk of the contents being overwritten the next time you build. Bottom line: For a deployed app (or if you are running outside the IDE), change teh name.exe.config file). If you are working in VS, change either the default value in settings, or app.config

Two files: 1) An app.config or web.config file. The settings her can be customized after build with a text editer. 2) The settings.designer.cs file. This file has autogenerated code to load the setting from the config file, but a default value is also present in case the config file does not have the particular setting.

Frank Schwieterman
+9  A: 

Here is the snippet you can use to programmatically get user.config file location:

public static string GetDefaultExeConfigPath(ConfigurationUserLevel userLevel)
    var UserConfig = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(userLevel);
    return UserConfig.FilePath;
  catch (ConfigurationException e)
    return e.Filename;

ApplicationSettings (i.e. settings.settings) use PerUserRoamingAndLocal for user settings by default (as I remembered).

Update: Strange but there are too many incorrect answers here. If you are looking for you user scoped settings file (user.config) it will be located in the following folder (for Windows XP):

C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\Local Settings\Application Data\(company-name-if-exists)\(app-name).exe_(Url|StrongName)_(hash)\(app-version)\

Url or StrongName depends on have you application assembly strong name or not.

+18  A: 

It depends on whether the setting you have chosen is at 'User' scope or 'Application' scope.

User scope settings are stored in

C:\Documents and Settings\ username \Local Settings\Application Data\ ApplicationName

You can read/write them at runtime.

[For Vista and Windows 7, folder is

C:\Users\ username \Local Settings\Application Data\ ApplicationName ]

Application scope settings are saved in AppName.exe.config and they are readonly at runtime.

The folder for user scope settings on Vista and Win7 is C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\ApplicationName\Publisher\ApplicationName\VersionorC:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\ApplicationName\Publisher\ApplicationName\Versiondepending on the Roaming property value on Settings pane.
+3  A: 

Assuming that you're talking about desktop and not web applications:

When you add settings to a project, VS creates a file named app.config in your project directory and stores the settings in that file. It also builds the Settings.cs file that provides the static accessors to the individual settings.

At compile time, VS will (by default; you can change this) copy the app.config to the build directory, changing its name to match the executable (e.g. if your executable is named foo.exe, the file will be named foo.exe.config), which is the name the .NET configuration manager looks for when it retrieves settings at runtime.

If you change a setting through the VS settings editor, it will update both app.config and Settings.cs. (If you look at the property accessors in the generated code in Settings.cs, you'll see that they're marked with an attribute containing the default value of the setting that's in your app.config file.) If you change a setting by editing the app.config file directly, Settings.cs won't be updated, but the new value will still be used by your program when you run it, because app.config gets copied to foo.exe.config at compile time. If you turn this off (by setting the file's properties), you can change a setting by directly editing the foo.exe.config file in the build directory.

Then there are user-scoped settings.

Application-scope settings are read-only. Your program can modify and save user-scope settings, thus allowing each user to have his/her own settings. These settings aren't stored in the foo.exe.config file (since under Vista, at least, programs can't write to any subdirectory of Program Files without elevation); they're stored in a configuration file in the user's application data directory.

The path to that file is %appdata%\%publisher_name%\%program_name%\%version%\user.config, e.g. C:\Users\My Name\AppData\Local\My_Company\My_Program.exe\1.0.0\user.config. Note that if you've given your program a strong name, the strong name will be appended to the program name in this path.

Robert Rossney

I know it's already answered but couldn't you just synchronize the settings in the settings designer to move back to your default settings?


Erm, can you not just use Settings.Default.Reset() to restore your default settings?
