



Hi there,

By default, when using a modalPopupExtender from the ajaxControlToolkit - it is repositioned in the centre of the browser when the browser window is resized.

I'm guessing this is some kind of javascript hooked into a window.resize method?

I am altering the size of the panel associated with the extender, which puts the popup off-centre.

Is there a way of firing this 'centre' operation directly, achieving the same result of resizing the actual browser?

Cheers! :D

Edit: still looking for any bright ideas! I've been browsing through the toolkit sourcecode as well as the source pages I create (and the javascript they use) finding many references to _layout, _onLayout and other such functions but I'm still stuck :(


aha! thanks go to Luke!

Sorry for the duplicate question (and I've been searching for days!)

Tabloo Quijico