I have downloaded and installed membership starter kit from codeplex. Now when I create new project I don't see MVC mebership starter kit in list of templates. How do I create new project based on this starter kit ?
You can make a copy of that Starter Kits code base into a new trunk/src directory. Then open the solution and hack away! That is the normal process any ways.
Andrew Siemer
2009-07-02 19:27:18
That doesn't look like it's been updated since preview 5...
The default ASP.NET MVC project that is created when you install the release version of ASP.NET MVC includes integration with the membership system.
Zhaph - Ben Duguid
2009-07-02 19:29:00
Only the registration, logon and change password are included. All users and roles administration are lost.
Eduardo Molteni
2009-08-04 03:38:30
That's possibly the case, however the API for administering users and roles is well defined on MSDN, and these sorts of screens are fairly trivial to knock out if you need them.
Zhaph - Ben Duguid
2009-08-04 10:15:35
It was updated to work with 1.0
Eduardo Molteni
2009-09-22 23:51:41