



Hi guys.

I'm having some trouble using constraints correctly.

I have three tables, 'item', 'store' and 'link_item_store'. An Item can be in one or many stores, and one or many stores can have an item. Since this is a many to many relationship, I'm using 'link_item_store' to normalize.

If I delete an item, I have to remove all instancs of that item in the 'link_item_store' table. And the same goes for store. This is my table and it's constraints:

CREATE TABLE `link_item_store` (
  `fk_storeID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `fk_itemID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`fk_storeID`,`fk_itemID`),
  KEY `fk_storeID` (`fk_storeID`),
  KEY `fk_itemID` (`fk_itemID`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_danish_ci;

ALTER TABLE `link_item_store`
  ADD CONSTRAINT `link_item_store_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`fk_itemID`) REFERENCES `link_item_store (`fk_itemID`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  ADD CONSTRAINT `link_item_store_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`fk_storeID`) REFERENCES `link_item_store` (`fk_storeID`) ON DELETE CASCADE;

And heres is an example list:

fk_storeID, fk_itemID, itemName, storeName
11  7277 item 1 Test store
11  7278 item 2 Test store
11  7280 item 3 Test store
12  7277 item 1 Test store 2
12  7278 item 2 Test store 2
12  7290 item 4 Test store 2
35  7295 item 4 Test store 4
35  7299 item 5 Test store 4
35  7300 item 6 Test store 4
35  7302 item 7 Test store 4

My problem is that if I delete 'item 7' from 'item' table, ALL references are deleted from link_item_store. :(

What to do?

Update: By having these two constraints on the table, I'm not able to insert new data to the table. I get the following error message:

Unable to query local database <b>Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign 
key constraint fails ( `link_item_store`, CONSTRAINT 
`link_item_store_item_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`fk_storeID`) REFERENCES 
`link_item_store` (`fk_storeID`) ON DELETE CASCADE)</b><br> INSERT INTO 
link_item_store (fk_storeID, fk_itemID) VALUES ('11', '7295')

Update 2 - Solution: Michael pointed out to me that the ADD CONSTRAINT didn't look right. On a closer look, I saw that he was right. This is the code that is generated by PhpMuAdmin upon adding constraints:

ALTER TABLE `link_item_store` ADD FOREIGN KEY ( `fk_itemID` ) REFERENCES `mydatabase`.`link_item_store` (`fk_itemID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ;

As you can see, the foreign key is reffering to itself! This defenetily have to be a bug in PhPMyAdmin.

The solution was to change reference. This works and I no longer have problems adding new records to the table:

ALTER TABLE `link_item_store` ADD FOREIGN KEY ( `fk_itemID` ) REFERENCES `mydatabase`.`item` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ;
+1  A: 

If you delete item 7 how can other stores have it?

The behavior you are seeing is referred to as "cascading deletes". Every row that references a row you delete with an FK is also deleted. There is also the normal behavior of not allowing the delete, and a "set null" behavior that will change all FKs to the deleted item to NULL. It sounds like that's what you want.

Here is a link talking about the different options.

Hi Col. There is no point of having rows containint NULL in a link reference table. If I delete an item with ID = 35 from 'item' table, I want to delete all rows in `link_item_store` which has fk_itemID = 35. I thought adding a constraint would do this fir me. I have no clue why it deletes all other rows as well. I've read the chapter on FOREIGN KEY Constraints at MySQL several times, but I'm non the wiser.
"My problem is that if I delete 'item 7' from 'item' table, ALL references are deleted from link_item_store". I assumed references meant references to the deleted item
+1  A: 

The syntax of your foreign keys seems unusual to me.

Instead of:

ADD CONSTRAINT `link_item_store_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`fk_itemID`) REFERENCES `link_item_store` (`fk_itemID`) ON DELETE CASCADE


 ADD CONSTRAINT `link_item_store_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`fk_itemID`) REFERENCES item (`itemID`) ON DELETE CASCADE

(Assuming itemID is the name of the correct column on the item table)

Michael Sofaer
Your right.... this doesn't seem right... but this is the code PhpMyAdmin generates. It generates an foreign key and references itself???: ALTER TABLE `link_item_store` ADD FOREIGN KEY ( `fk_itemID` ) REFERENCES `mydatabase`.`link_item_store` (`fk_itemID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ;
Thanks Michael for the heads up. I managed to solve this. See updated post above.
Glad I could help!
Michael Sofaer