In general terms, the copyright owner can choose how his/her work is licensed. The copyright owner of the work can choose to release it under a commercial license today, then open source it tomorrow.
So, the copyright owner may take an Apache licensed work and re-license it under GPL v3 without any problems. What they can't do however is prevent people who obtained the work under Apache license terms from forking the code and continuing to use an Apache licensed version (the same applies for GPL).
Essentially, the question then becomes: Do you (or your company) own the copyright on the Apache licensed work? There are a number of possible scenarios:
- I hold copyright on the entire work - Then you may freely relicense the work.
- I hold copyright on parts of the work and the other copyright holders are willing assign their copyright to me - If all of the copyright holders assign their rights to you, you then own the entire work and you're free to relicense.
- I hold copyright on parts of the work and the other copyright holders are willing to allow relicensing - If all of the other copyright holders agree, then collectively you can relicense the entire work.
- I hold copyright on parts of the work and the other copyright holders are NOT willing to assign their copyright or relicense - In this case, you may remove the portions of the work you don't own and replace with a fresh implementation that you hold copyright over.
- I do not own copyright on the work - The Apache v2 license does not require you to assign copyright to a third party and explicitly states that it does not limit your ability to distribute the work under additional or different license terms, so this is unlikely. However, work completed under a Contributor License Agreement may result in this situation.
In short, the Apache v2 license does not forbid relicensing of a work by it's owner. If you own the work in its entirety there's nothing to stop you from relicensing it. If you only partially own the work, you will need to seek agreement from the other copyright holders before you can relicense it.