



I have a Silverlight custom control with two properties; Text and Id. I have created DependencyProperties for these as per the code below.

public static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Text", typeof(string), typeof(LookupControl), new PropertyMetadata(NotifyPropertyChanged));
public static readonly DependencyProperty IdProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Id", typeof(Guid?), typeof(LookupControl), new PropertyMetadata(NotifyPropertyChanged));

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

public static void NotifyPropertyChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
    var control = sender as LookupControl;
    if (control != null && control.PropertyChanged != null)
        control.PropertyChanged(control, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Text")); 
public Guid? Id
    get { return (Guid?)GetValue(IdProperty); }
    set { SetValue(IdProperty, value); }

public string Text
    get { return (string)GetValue(TextProperty); }    
    set { SetValue(TextProperty, value); }

In a control method, the Id is populated first, and then the Text. My problem is that when i bind to Text and Id on this control, I want their data to be populated syncronously, so that when a PropertyChanged event fires on either property, both of them have updated data.

At this point in time I catch when the Id has changed, performed some processing, and if required, i set the Text to a new value. But once this OnChange of Id has finished, then the control method continues and populates the Text after i have already changed it back to something else.

It might sound a little convoluted, but hopefully it is enough to understand. If you need more info, just ask.


Cold you save the values and only set when you have both?

    private Guid? id;
    private string text;

    public Guid?Id
        get { return id; }
        set { 
            id = value;
    public string Text 
        get { return text; }
        set { text = value;

    private void TrySetValue()
        if (id != null && text != null)
            SetValue(IdProperty, id);
            SetValue(TextProperty, text);