I am using NHibernate with mySQL 5 and I am a bit unsure whether NHibernate really closes the connection to mySQL.
This is the code I am using in order to save a Player entity to the database:
using (ISession session = SessionFactory.OpenSession())
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
After running this piece of code, I select the current connection count from the mySQL server using
show status like 'Conn%' ;
and the value is increased every time by 1!
So, inserting the player 10 times (=starting the program 10 times) increases the connection count by 10. But the session.IsClosed property of the NHibernate Session is false.
Do I have to do anything else in order to release the NHibernate resources and close the connection? Are the connections pooled / timed out?
It would be great if anyone could give me a hint.