




I downloaded this vimrc file. It contains entries for mapping comma seperated keys to certain commands. ie:

map ,e :e <C-R>=expand("%:p:h") . "/" <CR>

What i can't figure out is how to run these commands in Vim.

How to i run ",e"?

+2  A: 

You would just type , and then e. To verify that it's actually being mapped, you can use the command :map ,e.

John Feminella
slight tweak to this ckeck is :verbose map ,eThis will give you the line it has been set
+1  A: 

just type it


thats it, since the map is a normal mapping, it ought to work in normal, visual and operator pending mode. see

:h 40.1

in vim, for the help on map modes

+2  A: 

Press the ESCAPE key and then type ,e

The escape will confirm you are out of insert mode (if you entered it)


If you use these maps, you'll also want to use

nnoremap ,, ,

So you can have the , functionality (repeat latest fFtT motion, but in the opposite direction). This is occasionally useful, though not as useful as that edit file in current file's directory map you have there.