



The below does not compile:

Func<int, int> fac = n => (n <= 1) ? 1 : n * fac(n - 1);

Local variable 'fac' might not be initialized before accessing

How can you make a recursive function with lambdas?


Here are also two links that I found interesting to read:

  1. Eric Lippert's "Why does a recursive lambda cause a definite assignment error?"
  2. Anonymous Recursion in C#
+13  A: 

This particular style of function is not supported by C# as a single line declaration. You have to separate out the declaration and definition into 2 lines

Func<int, int> fac = null;
fac = n => (n <= 1) ? 1 : n * fac(n - 1);
+4  A: 

You'll have to create fac first und assign it later (which is pretty unfunctional because it depends on multiple assignment) or use so called Y-combinators.


    delegate Func<TIn, TOut> FixedPointFunction<TIn, TOut>(Func<TIn, TOut> f);

    static Func<T, TRes> Fix<T, TRes>(FixedPointFunction<T, TRes> f) {
        return f(x => Fix(f)(x));

    static void Main(string[] args) {

        var fact = Fix<int, int>(f => x => (x <= 1) ? x : x * f(x - 1));


But note that this might be somewhat hard to read/understand.

+6  A: 

Well geez, if you'd just typed "why does a recursive lambda cause a definite assignment error?" into some search engine, you'd have found the answer in my article on the subject.


Eric Lippert
All roads lead to Lippert :D excellent post.
Andreas Grech
+1 for 'if you'd just typed "why does a recursive lambda cause a definite assignment error?" into some search engine' :-)